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Gunvald i Midgård - Directors Cut

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#26 Peak


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Posted 10 March 2011 - 16:17

Ni som vill sprida det kan ju klicka på "gilla"-knappen längst ner i ämnet, alternativt "dela med dig.."-funktionen om man inte har Facebook.. ;)

* Sci-Fi Nytt * Sci-Fi Nytts Forum

"Woe to you, Oh Earth and Sea, for the Devil sends the
beast with wrath, because he knows the time is short...
Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the
beast for it is a human number, its number is Six hundred and
sixty six."

#27 Den Gröne Hämnaren

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Posted 10 March 2011 - 16:51

idealet hade varit att Perbrandt & McKellen ställde upp för nya scener..men jag betvivlar att det kommer ske ;)

Ja, det beror ju på vad man vill göra. Det roliga med sådana här filmer är ju till stor del att man gör vad man kan enligt de begränsningar som finns. Det leder till att det ibland blir roligt för att saker passar, ibland blir roligt för att det inte passar, och ibland blir roligt för att det nästan passar. Förvisso också till att saker ibland inte blir roliga för att de inte passar. Men skulle man spela in en ny film hade det ju blivit en helt annan sak... som förvisso också hade kunnat bli rolig.

#28 Walker


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Posted 11 March 2011 - 18:04

Ja, det beror ju på vad man vill göra. Det roliga med sådana här filmer är ju till stor del att man gör vad man kan enligt de begränsningar som finns.

Det beskriver väl på ett ungefär vad jag gjort ;) Har precis gjort klar en något längre version så att textrutorna får lugnare läshastighet. Håller på med översättningen till engelsk undertext, var visst inte inte så enkelt som jag trodde. Google translate är kanske inte helt optimalt för mer slangbetonat språk.

Om någon är duktig på engelsk grammatik är jag tacksam om den kunde titta igenom min översättning, kommer posta "manuset" senare.

Edited by Walker, 11 March 2011 - 18:12.

#29 Walker


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Posted 11 March 2011 - 19:57

Vet att det är mycket begärt, men om det finns någon medlem som är engelsk lärare/tolk osv. vore jag tacksam om denne kunde kolla min stavning. Lite enklare att ändra gramatiska fel nu än när den ligger uppe på Youtube. Förövrigt är det pinsamt hur mycket svordomar som finns i svenska språket :lol: .

Gunvald is in Middle Earth in search of Money's brother, Saruman.

Greeted by a corrupt police force, but he will not let criminals hobbits impede the course of justice

Gunvald requests span the hobbits; involved with drug dealing and muggings in Rohan and Isengard.

During the hunt Gunvald harm themselves in the foot.

During the hunt trample Gunvald wrong, what he does not know is that one of the hobbits are cared for in the same place ..

Somewhat later find Gunvald a dwarf who can fix the coffee machine

Gunvald follow a track linked to the infamous orgies in the Shire. Gandalf can hardly explain his presence at the orgy.

It's the morning after the party. Will Gunvald solve the case and his office relations?

And who is Frodo's special friend?

Gunvald Interrogate Aragorn on MoneyMan's Brothers doings in Middle Earth. Where is Saruman?

Aragorn reveals that Frodo is Saruman's agent. Gunvald reward him with a dental bill for 4000 kr.

He afterwards go to the hobbit hideout.

Frodo breaks down and cries after Gunvald killed his friends.

He gives the address of Saruman's final hiding place, an apartment brothel in Rohan ..

Would you please move a little. You'll see that I have some physical disabilities

I wonder if Martin Beck knew that I am here ..

So what?!


Gavling is not a hustler, he is a butcher. He has more murders on his conscience than you have paper in your fucking files!

And you want to prosecute him for shoplifting!

There they are. I think so.

You get two seconds, then we run into your horse ass with your mouth before!



I'm too old to run after idiots like you.

I have trodden the wrong. Since then I have been sitting on that damn emergency room.


There is screaming psychos, mashed fucking drunks, stoners slashed, and the devil and his aunt! Every bitch should have priority! Before me!

What's the fucking HealthCare!

Damn! Nearly 13 hours it took to X-ray this shit!

Damn! Nearly 13 hours it took to get this shit radiographed and throw on this damn package!

Then I had to wait two hours for that one damn doctor was on his gay round of golf.

And could not give me a fucking ...

Injured in the foot, not in my head!

No! Do not talk so damn much crap! Don't

It was a fucking machine to malfunction!

Afford gay design, you can do. but a coffee machine that works, it seems to be damn hard!

As a director general, can´t you see that we need a coffee machine that works?

I was also bullied at school, I do not go around slaughtering middle aged hags.

I had such a large cock!

He does not seem particularly worried. In addition, he is very normal. Fa ..

So this is where you hid yourself?

I keep underwear on. It is not the gun you see, it's my cock.

Do you have something against gays? I thought you like gays ..

What the hell do you care?

And! What are you saying? Should I rape and strangle him, is that what you think?

Yes, it was damn stupid saying, but what the hell do you want?

Well, we've dated once, I was babysitting.

Precious?! Damn, you sound like you were from the fifties.

Well, UH-HUH

Why do you lie?

Now we're damn tired of your damn fucking bullshit!

Now it's time to start talking!

Extinguish the cigarette, extinguish the cigarette, put out the cigarette! Thanks

Hi there!

Are you afraid of me? Amateurs.

So, can we start? Rune Fjällgård?

Nice name. You know that we are familiar with your background, right?

Do you ejaculate when you rape? The hearing person does not respond, I reformulate the question: did you ejaculated when you raped Eva Lindskog?

You have a quite hierarchical relationship within your family, right?

What is your relationship to Tachmed?

Goddamn fucking bullshit!

Do you have Cell Phone? But you know how to use one, huh? You are both stupid and damn ugly. I understand that you have to rape to get fuck. Did you come out through the back door? Now is thethe time for clear ,you fucking Taliban !

Do you have Cell Phone? But you know how to use one, huh? You are both stupid and damn ugly. I understand that you have to rape to get fuck. Did you come out through the back door?

Now it's time to put it bluntly! You fucking bearded Taliban

Edited by Walker, 11 March 2011 - 19:58.

#30 Fiskrens


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Posted 11 March 2011 - 22:33

Vet att det är mycket begärt, men om det finns någon medlem som är engelsk lärare/tolk osv. vore jag tacksam om denne kunde kolla min stavning. Lite enklare att ändra gramatiska fel nu än när den ligger uppe på Youtube. Förövrigt är det pinsamt hur mycket svordomar som finns i svenska språket :lol: .

Jag är varken eller, men lite ska jag väl kunna bidra med. Och eftersom det var som började tjata om översättning... ;)

Gunvald is in Middle Earth in search of Moneyman's brother, Saruman.

Greeted by a corrupt police forceThe local police force is clearly corrupt, but he will not let criminals hobbits impede the course of justice

Gunvald requests span scouting? reconnaisance on? the hobbits; involved with in drug dealing and muggings in Rohan and Isengard.

During the hunt Gunvald harms his foot themselves himself in the foot.

During the hunt trample Gunvald wrong Gunvald has to seek treatment for his foot. What he does not know is that one of the hobbits are is cared for in at the same placehospital? ..

Somewhat later find Gunvald finds a dwarf who can fix the coffee machine

Gunvald follow a track linked to the infamous orgies in the Shire. Gandalf can hardly explain his presence at the orgy.

It's the morning after the party. Will Gunvald solve the case and his office relations?

And who is Frodo's special friend?

Gunvald interrogates Aragorn on MoneyMan's Brothers doings in Middle Earth. Where is Saruman?

Aragorn reveals that Frodo is Saruman's agent. Gunvald rewards him with a dental bill for 4000 kr $700 dental bill.

He afterwards goAfterwards, he goes to the hobbit's hideout.

Frodo breaks down and cries after Gunvald has killed taken care of his friends.

He gives the address of Saruman's final hiding place, an apartment serving as a brothel[/s] in Rohan ..

Would you please move a little. You'll see that I have some physical disabilities

I wonder if Martin Beck knew that I am here ..

So what?!


Gavling is not a hustler, he is a butcher. He has more murders on his conscience than you have paper in your fucking files!

And you want to prosecute him for shoplifting!

There they are. I think so.

You get two seconds, then we run into your horse ass with your mouth before!
You've got two seconds, before we'll shove you into that horse ass - head first!



I'm too old to run after idiots like you.

I have trodden the wrongmisstepped?. Since then I have been sitting on thatin this damn emergency room.

Satan!Fuck! :)

There is screaming psychos, mashed fucking drunks, stoners slashed, and the devil and his aunt! Every bitch should have priority! Before me!

What's the fucking HealthCare!

Damn! It took nearly 13 hours it took to X-ray this shit!

Damn! It took nearly 13 hours it took to get this shit radiographed and throw on this damn package! <-- Skulle jag behöva veta originalet

Then I had to wait two hours for that one damn doctor was on his gay round of golf.

And could not give me a fucking ...

I'm Injured in the foot, not in my head!

No! Do not talk so damn much crap! Don't

It was a fucking machine to malfunction!

You apparently afford gay design, you can do. but a coffee machine that works, it seems to be damn hard!

As a director general, can´t you see that we need a coffee machine that works?

I was also bullied at school, I do not go around slaughtering middle aged hags.

I had such a large cock!

He does not seem particularly worried. In addition, he is very normal. Fa ..

So this is where you hid yourself?

I'll keep my underwear on. It is not the gun you see, it's my cock.

Do you have something against gays? I thought you like gays ..

What the hell do you care?

And! What are you saying? Should I rape and strangle him, is that what you think?

Yes, it was damn stupid saying, but what the hell do you want?

Well, we've dated once, I was babysitting.

Precious?! Damn, you sound like you were from the fifties.

Well, UH-HUH

Why do you lie?

Now we're damn tired of your damn fucking bullshit!

Now it's time to start talking!

Extinguish the cigarette. Extinguish the cigarette! Put out the fucking cigarette! Thanks.

Hi there!

Are you afraid of me? Amateurs.

So, can we start? Rune Fjällgård? <-- Svåröversatt! ;)

Nice name. You know that we are familiar with your background, right?

Do you ejaculate when you rape? The hearing person does not respond, I reformulate the question: did you ejaculated when you raped Eva Lindskog?

You have a quite hierarchical relationship within your family, right?

What is your relationship to Tachmed?

Goddamn fucking bullshit!

Do you have a Cell Phone? But you know how to use one, huh? You are both stupid and damn ugly. I understand that you have to rape to get a fuck. Did you come out through the back door? Now is the time for cleartruth?,you fucking Taliban !

Now it's time to put it bluntly! You fucking bearded Taliban
"It's only called paranoia if you can't prove it" - William Gibson

"It's more the way it is now than it's ever been" - Dwight David Eisenhower

"Typisk otur, Krydolf! När det regnar flyglar har den fattige inga noter" - Don Martin

#31 Walker


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Posted 11 March 2011 - 23:42

Jag är varken eller, men lite ska jag väl kunna bidra med. Och eftersom det var som började tjata om översättning... ;)

Tackar, behövdes att någon tittade igenom det efter min (till största del) lata Google translate :P Ville bli klar med grovöversättning innan TV-kvällen, då blev resultatet därefter.. ;)

Vissa av Gunvalds repliker blev svåröversättliga med google, fick göra varianter på dom som inte är lika slagfärdiga. För övrigt verkar inte google translate uppskatta svordommar/runda ord.

Orginalet till - "
Damn! It took nearly 13 hours it took to get this shit radiographed...

"Fan! Nästan 13 timmar tog det att få det här skiten röntgat och kasta på det här jävla paketet. Sen fick jag vänta två timmar till för nån jävla överläkare var ute på sin fjolltur på golfbanan och inte kunde skriva ut nått...jävla..eeeh!"

#32 Walker


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Posted 12 March 2011 - 11:12

Damn! It took nearly 13 hours it took to get this shit radiographed and throw on this damn package! <-- Skulle jag behöva veta originalet

Angående den här konstiga meningen, gjorde en ny variant på den. Men helt korrekt och Gunvaldmässig är det inte.

I have to wait 13 hours in radiology, and for this damn package! Then I had to wait two hours for that damn doctor, he was on his silly round of golf.

#33 Walker


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Posted 13 March 2011 - 22:44

Så här kommer min slutversion med längre textrutor.

Den "internationella" versionen, något ändrat slut för att förklara vem Persbrandt är.

Edited by Walker, 13 March 2011 - 22:49.