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Narnia: Kung Caspian och Skeppet Gryningen

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#1 XC



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Postad 21 april 2008 - 10:51

FirstShowing.net meddelar att inspelningarna till den tredje filmen börjar i oktober - men bekräftar också ryktena om att det inte finns några planer på att fortsätta serien efter den filmen.

Narnia 1: Häxan och Lejonet (här på forumet)
Narnia 2: Prins Caspian (här på forumet)

Detta inlägg har redigerats av Georgia: 18 september 2011 - 19:04


Du skall inte lyssna på vad jag säger; du skall fatta vad jag menar.


»Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.« (Samuel Beckett)

#2 Cartman


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Postad 28 april 2008 - 15:39

Både trist och bra att det inte blir fler filmer. Nu får dom en chans att knyta ihop detta på något sätt. Samtidigt är det synd att filmserier som Harry Potter får fortsätta i oändlighet men inte Narnia. Men jag kan förstå varför.

Detta inlägg har redigerats av Cartman: 28 april 2008 - 15:39

#3 Crusader



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Postad 28 april 2008 - 16:04

Jag gillar det inte så värst. Jag skulle ha velat se en filmatisering av bla The Last Battle och The Silver Chair iallafall.

Harry Potter har ju bara 7 böcker den också och går inte på i evigheter. Dessutom har den ett story arc som kräver att den avslutas riktigt.
Although my heart may be weak, it's not alone. It's grown with each new experience. And it's found a home with all the friends I've made. I've become a part of their heart, just as they've become a part of mine.
And if they think of me now and then, if they don't forget me, then our hearts will be one. I don't need a weapon. My friends are my power!
-Sora, Kingdom Hearts

#4 Cartman


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Postad 04 juni 2008 - 12:53

men bekräftar också ryktena om att det inte finns några planer på att fortsätta serien efter den filmen.

Frågan är vad som stämmer och vad som inte stämmer. Hittade denna artikel nu, daterad till 31 Maj. Douglas Gresham som kommenterar är ju producent till filmerna och han om någon borde ju veta vad som gäller.

BTW, du har postat fel länk till IMDb. Rätt länk är den här.

Narniaweb - Horse and His Boy After The Silver Chair?

Posted May 31, 2008

SciFi has posted a video of the red carpet at the Prince Caspian premiere in New York.

Douglas Gresham says: "We still have five books to do. I'm working right now on pre-production on The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, and I'm already starting discussions on The Silver Chair. And we're just toying with the idea of doing The Horse and His Boy after that. So we are thinking ahead." This would be consistant with the original published order: The Silver Chair was published in 1953, and The Horse and His Boy in 1954.

View the video here

Narniaweb - Narnia Production Heading to NZ Once Again

May 31, 2008

It is looking more and more like parts of Voyage of the Dawn Treader will be filmed in New Zealand. In March, Disney announced a sweepstakes to win a trip to the VDT set in New Zealand. In the interview posted by our own 'Fantasia_Kitty,' Ben Barnes also said he believed they would film in New Zealand (which inspired his comment: "They know everything on NarniaWeb."). Now, there are new quotes from Mark Johnson and Andrew Adamson.

"There's a very good chance Dawn Treader will be done in New Zealand," said Johnson. "I'd use any excuse I can take to come back (to New Zealand)."

Read the full story here

We also know that other parts of VDT will be filmed in a huge water tank in Mexico (Read more). Filming begins in October.

Detta inlägg har redigerats av Cartman: 04 juni 2008 - 15:45

#5 Crusader



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Postad 04 juni 2008 - 15:39

Tack och låv. Verkar som att rycktena kanske var falska ändå? Hoppas det för det känns, som sagt, idiotiskt att sluta efter 3 filmer. Speciellt med tanke på att sista boken är The Final battle.
Jag tror inte Disney vill avsluta serien heller.
Although my heart may be weak, it's not alone. It's grown with each new experience. And it's found a home with all the friends I've made. I've become a part of their heart, just as they've become a part of mine.
And if they think of me now and then, if they don't forget me, then our hearts will be one. I don't need a weapon. My friends are my power!
-Sora, Kingdom Hearts

#6 XC



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Postad 04 juni 2008 - 17:49

Fixat imdb länken nu. :)

Tycker det är positivt om man inleder samtal redan nu om silverstolen (min favorit av böckerna faktiskt) och iaf har Hästen och hans pojke i bakhuvudet. :)


Du skall inte lyssna på vad jag säger; du skall fatta vad jag menar.


»Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.« (Samuel Beckett)

#7 Cartman


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Postad 04 juni 2008 - 17:56

Fint. :)

Jag håller med, det känns inte alls längre som att det verkar kört för fler filmer utan att det helt klart är ett öppet kort. Jag hoppas att Prins Caspian är bra (vilket den ser ut att vara) och då vill jag helt klart se mer med tanke på hur bra första filmen är. :)

#8 Georgia



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Postad 20 juni 2008 - 17:01

Will Poulter Cast in Narnia 3 - ComingSoon.net
Source: NarniaWeb
June 20, 2008

NarniaWeb points to an article at Mail Online which mentions that Will Poulter from Son of Rambow has been cast as Eustace in The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader:

Will Poulter, who has been cast as pain-in-the-butt Eustace Scrubb, the Pevensie children's cousin, in the next Narnia adventure to go before the cameras - The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader - which Michael Apted will direct.

Awful things happen to Eustace in this tale, but he learns. Will played Lee Carter, the scamp schoolboy in the film Son Of Rambow.

"Voyage of the Dawn Treader" is currently scheduled for a May 7, 2010 release.

Even the stars look brighter tonight - Nothing's Impossible
If you believe in love at first sight - Nothing's Impossible
I still believe in love at first sight - Nothing's Impossible // Nothing's Impossible - Depeche Mode 2005

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Forumets kak- tårt- & glass monster ;)
>>Årets Kvinnliga Medlem 2006, 2007 & 2008<< >>Årets Moderator 2007 & 2008<<
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Esseffennälg (pop.) - Skrivs egentligen SFN-älg och är en ytterst sällsynt ras av älg som enbart finns i vilt tillstånd på Sci-Fi Nytt.
Enstaka exemplar kan hittas också på Tv-land, men de brukar snabbt bli förvirrade och skynda sig tillbaka till Sci-Fi Nytt.

...och eftersom jag är karl kan jag inte multitaska och hålla två olika parallela universum i skallen samtidigt.

...jag förberedde mig på det värsta: dvs ett episkt prettodrama som Wylie och Synon antagligen skulle sucka nöjt över.

#9 PredaBot


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Postad 20 juni 2008 - 17:34

Hmm... vore det egentligen inte smart att göra "Min Morbror Trollkarlen" eller "The Magician's Nephew" som den heter i original, först? Den boken beskriver ju Narnias skapelse och en hel del av varifrån det som vi såg i första filmen kommer ifrån.

#10 Cartman


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Postad 23 juni 2008 - 13:03

Spoiler TV - EXCLUSIVE: The Chronicles of Narnia 3 Script

Here are several pages of the script for The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. This movie is scheduled to be released in May of 2010 and is the upcoming 3rd part of the Narnia series.

#11 XC



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Postad 03 juli 2008 - 08:26

Sci-fi Wire | Third Narnia Shoots In Mexico

The third installment of Disney and Walden Media's The Chronicles of Narnia franchise will move its production to Mexico from New Zealand, where the previous two installments shot, Variety reported.

Production of the first two films--The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and Prince Caspian--was based in New Zealand largely because of government tax incentives. Weta Digital and Weta Workshop, which created most of the films' effects and props, also are based in that country.

By contrast, the third movie, Voyage of the Dawn Treader, to be directed by Michael Apted, needs several large soundstages plus a massive water tank: The title of the film refers to the ship that serves as a major set piece.

Because of that, production will move to Rosarito, Mexico, and set up shop at Baja Studios, where Titanic, Deep Blue Sea and Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World were shot.

Location shots in Australia will still be filmed as planned. Production originally was slated to start in October, but will now likely begin in January.


Du skall inte lyssna på vad jag säger; du skall fatta vad jag menar.


»Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.« (Samuel Beckett)

#12 Cartman


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Postad 03 juli 2008 - 11:09

Låter som en bra idé. Dumt att vara kvar på ett ställe och försöka lösa det där, vilket kanske inte ens fungerar till slut, utan flytta dit alla resurser finns.

Detta inlägg har redigerats av Cartman: 03 juli 2008 - 11:09

#13 XC



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Postad 15 november 2008 - 11:16

Still No Green Light for Third Narnia?


Du skall inte lyssna på vad jag säger; du skall fatta vad jag menar.


»Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.« (Samuel Beckett)

#14 Wylie Times

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Postad 15 november 2008 - 12:51

Hmm... vore det egentligen inte smart att göra "Min Morbror Trollkarlen" eller "The Magician's Nephew" som den heter i original, först? Den boken beskriver ju Narnias skapelse och en hel del av varifrån det som vi såg i första filmen kommer ifrån.

Nja, om man går efter utgivningsordningen som jag tycker att man bör göra och som filmarna också har gjort så kommer "The Magician's Nephew" näst sist.

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#15 XC



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Postad 01 december 2008 - 10:23

Sci-fi Wire | Narnia: Dawn Treader In Trouble?

Jim Hill Media reported that Disney's proposed third Chronicles of Narnia movie, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, may be delayed or scaled back as a result of Prince Caspian's disappointing box-office performance.

Disney and Walden Media are still reportedly moving forward with the third installment in the franchise, and director Michael Apted has been riding herd on Dawn Treader's development since June 2007, the site reported. Actors have been cast (Son of Rambow star Will Poulter has been hired to play Pevensie cousin Eustace Scrubb), and studio space has been lined up (at Baja Studios in Rosarito Beach) for a four-to-five month-long shoot, which is allegedly slated to begin in late January.

But Disney hasn't actually green-lighted production of Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Given that Disney and Walden Media executives are concerned that The Voyage of the Dawn Treader may earn even less than Prince Caspian did, strict cost-control measures have now been put into place.

The original plans to shoot Dawn Treader on location in Malta, Iceland and Prague have been dropped. Two-thirds of this film will be shot in Mexico in the huge water tank that James Cameron used for Titanic.

The site added that Walden Media reportedly wants Disney to fund half of a $140 million production. But given that Disney is contractually obligated to cover the costs of all prints and advertising on the Narnia movies, Disney is supposedly pushing for a $100 million version instead. It's also likely that a release date will be pushed back to 2011.


Du skall inte lyssna på vad jag säger; du skall fatta vad jag menar.


»Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.« (Samuel Beckett)

#16 Georgia



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Postad 24 december 2008 - 08:24

IESB.net - Movie News, Reviews, Interviews and More! - Narnia Loses Disney the Third Time Around
The third film in the Chronicles of Narnia series, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, is going to have to tread this one without the mouse.

Walt Disney Pictures has announced it will not exercise its right to co-finance, co-produce the third film from Walden Media.

I literally give this until the first week of January when 20th Century Fox announces they've picked it up under their Fox/Walden brand.

Here's the story from The Hollywood Reporter,

While declining to elaborate, Disney and Walden Media confirmed Tuesday that for budgetary and logistical reasons the Burbank-based studio is not exercising its option to co-produce and co-finance the next "Narnia" movie with Walden.

The third entry in the series, based on the classic books by C.S. Lewis, was in preproduction and set for a spring shoot for a planned May 2010 release. The development puts the participation of the talent attached in doubt. Michael Apted was on board to direct a script by Steven Knight. The key players of the second installment, "Prince Caspian" -- Ben Barnes, Georgie Henley, William Moseley and Anna Popplewell -- were to return for the third film.

Even the stars look brighter tonight - Nothing's Impossible
If you believe in love at first sight - Nothing's Impossible
I still believe in love at first sight - Nothing's Impossible // Nothing's Impossible - Depeche Mode 2005

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Forumets kak- tårt- & glass monster ;)
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Esseffennälg (pop.) - Skrivs egentligen SFN-älg och är en ytterst sällsynt ras av älg som enbart finns i vilt tillstånd på Sci-Fi Nytt.
Enstaka exemplar kan hittas också på Tv-land, men de brukar snabbt bli förvirrade och skynda sig tillbaka till Sci-Fi Nytt.

...och eftersom jag är karl kan jag inte multitaska och hålla två olika parallela universum i skallen samtidigt.

...jag förberedde mig på det värsta: dvs ett episkt prettodrama som Wylie och Synon antagligen skulle sucka nöjt över.

#17 Crusader



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Postad 24 december 2008 - 08:28

OK, det där låter konstigt. Ett väldigt ovanligt dåligt val av Disney.
Although my heart may be weak, it's not alone. It's grown with each new experience. And it's found a home with all the friends I've made. I've become a part of their heart, just as they've become a part of mine.
And if they think of me now and then, if they don't forget me, then our hearts will be one. I don't need a weapon. My friends are my power!
-Sora, Kingdom Hearts

#18 Robert Jonsson

Robert Jonsson

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Postad 24 december 2008 - 11:59

Fast samtidigt väldigt väntat och förståeligt beslut. Filmerna har direkt inte gjort någon glad.... av döma hur få som sett dem och hur lite pengar de spelat in.
Robert Jonsson | Moment 223 | Bortom: Lögnens slöja | Facebook

»Cthulhu är passé. Det är Love Cthulhu som gäller numera. Jag hade då bara inte en aning om att det var jag som var Love Cthulhu.«

#19 Cartman


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Postad 29 december 2008 - 11:40

Trist. Hoppas dom hittar andra finansiärer så att inte hela filmen går förlorad.

Lite synd att Disney hoppar av just nu, hade varit bättre om dom gjort det redan efter första filmen istället.

#20 Crusader



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Postad 29 december 2008 - 13:01

Nja, förfsta filmen drog in mycket. Det var andra filmen som det gick lite sämre för.
Men jag tror det mer har att göra med att Disney vill satsa mer på egna projekt som görs av deras egna företag som t ex John Carter of Mars.
Although my heart may be weak, it's not alone. It's grown with each new experience. And it's found a home with all the friends I've made. I've become a part of their heart, just as they've become a part of mine.
And if they think of me now and then, if they don't forget me, then our hearts will be one. I don't need a weapon. My friends are my power!
-Sora, Kingdom Hearts

#21 Georgia



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Postad 29 januari 2009 - 11:45

SCI FI Wire: Fox steps in for Disney to partner on Narnia: Dawn Treader
One month after Disney decided to pull the plug on co-financing the third movie in Walden Media's Chronicles of Narnia series, Walden has found a new partner in 20th Century Fox, Variety reported.

Fox, which was entitled to first crack at The Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader after Disney dropped out because of the shared Fox Walden marketing and distribution label, has made a commitment to develop the project. The two sides are still working out budget and script issues, but the hope is to shoot the film at the end of summer for a holiday 2010 release through the Fox Walden label.

Dawn Treader, which is projected to go into production at a $140 million budget. That's considerably less than the $215 million or so spent on last year's Prince Caspian, which was considered something of a box-office disappointment compared with the first Narnia movie, 2005's The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe ($419 million vs. $745 million worldwide).

Dawn Treader is considered to be a more family film-friendly book, and the goal is to get back to the magical aspects present in the first Narnia but mostly absent from Prince Caspian.

Ultimately, Fox's commitment to the summer start date is contingent upon Walden's selection of a writer. Richard LaGravanese penned the most recent draft that both Walden and Fox were happy with, but there's a question about his availability because he has been adapting Sara Gruen's bestseller Water for Elephants for Fox 2000.

Even the stars look brighter tonight - Nothing's Impossible
If you believe in love at first sight - Nothing's Impossible
I still believe in love at first sight - Nothing's Impossible // Nothing's Impossible - Depeche Mode 2005

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Forumets kak- tårt- & glass monster ;)
>>Årets Kvinnliga Medlem 2006, 2007 & 2008<< >>Årets Moderator 2007 & 2008<<
>>Årets Shoppingkompass (=Årets Garv) 2009<<

Esseffennälg (pop.) - Skrivs egentligen SFN-älg och är en ytterst sällsynt ras av älg som enbart finns i vilt tillstånd på Sci-Fi Nytt.
Enstaka exemplar kan hittas också på Tv-land, men de brukar snabbt bli förvirrade och skynda sig tillbaka till Sci-Fi Nytt.

...och eftersom jag är karl kan jag inte multitaska och hålla två olika parallela universum i skallen samtidigt.

...jag förberedde mig på det värsta: dvs ett episkt prettodrama som Wylie och Synon antagligen skulle sucka nöjt över.

#22 XC



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Postad 29 januari 2009 - 11:45

20th Century Fox går in som finansiär i den tredje filmen. Länk


Du skall inte lyssna på vad jag säger; du skall fatta vad jag menar.


»Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.« (Samuel Beckett)

#23 GaterGirl


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Postad 29 januari 2009 - 12:55

ser att XC och G postade samma nyhet exakt samtidigt. :lol:

Detta inlägg har redigerats av GaterGirl: 29 januari 2009 - 12:55

Nikola Tesla "All the subtlety of brain surgery with a chainsaw." ~ Sanctuary 2007-2011  Parker - how did you know? Non-sequential serial numbers? My favorite. (parker får pengar i julklapp) "the ho ho ho job - leverage"Sofia Sorto - "Who are you, messere?", Ezio - "Only the most interesting man in your life." Assassins Creed - Revalations I will, I very much I will. - dr Julia Ogden, Murdoch Mysteries <p>Luleå Hockey  Murdoch Mysteries  Stargate SG-1  Jonathon Young  Nikola Tesla  Tv-serier

#24 XC



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Postad 29 januari 2009 - 12:58

:lol: Det såg inte jag. Men jag säger som Joxer:

"I knew this would happen someday-- you and me on the same wavelength-- two great minds-- one thought."Källa

Detta inlägg har redigerats av XC: 29 januari 2009 - 12:59


Du skall inte lyssna på vad jag säger; du skall fatta vad jag menar.


»Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.« (Samuel Beckett)

#25 Cartman


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Postad 29 januari 2009 - 13:02

Trevliga nyheter. Väldigt smidigt att dom löste det så pass snabbt. :)