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Let Me In - Amerikansk version på JAL's bok

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#1 Fiskrens


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Posted 25 September 2008 - 09:30

Cloverfield Director Lets The Right One In
Cloverfield's Matt Reeves has been hired by Overture Films and Hammer Films to write and direct a remake of Let the Right One In.

Tomas Alfredson's original film, hailing from Sweden and opening on U.S. shores in limited release October 24th, tells of a young boy who befriends a young vampire pal. Hammer acquired the English-language remake rights when Alfredson's picture won rave reviews at the Tribeca Film Festival.

Overture will release the redo sometime in 2009.

According to Variety, it will be produced by Hammer's Simon Oakes. Spitfire's Guy East and Nigel Sinclair and Swedish producers John Nordling and Carl Molinder. Spitfire's Alex Brunner and Tobin Armbrust will exec produce along with John Ptak, Philip Elway and Fredrik Malmberg.

Edited by Georgia, 07 January 2010 - 14:02.

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#2 Marie Morot

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Posted 25 September 2008 - 09:54

Remakes are scary. :(
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#3 Cartman


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Posted 25 September 2008 - 15:08

Ain't It Cool - A Comprehensive Recap Of Fantastic Fest! Tons Of Reviews! This Is Must-Read Stuff!

Beaks here.

I was already mad that I couldn't make it to Fantastic Fest this year. Reading through these eloquent capsule reviews from "Chaplinatemyshoe", I'm officially fuming. I need to see THE CHASER and LET THE RIGHT ONE IN right now.

Let the Right One In - Out of all the movies that have shown at the festival this year, this is the one I've heard the most people talk about. Anytime a conversation involving the movie is broached, the immediate question: What did you think? The movie itself is as much a meditation on the nature of human relationships as it is a vampire horror movie. Oskar is a bullied 12 year old nerd with a morbid fascination with murder and thirst for knowledge that probably gets him beat up by the school bully and his cowardly cronies. When he meets Eli, a mysterious 12 year old girl who turns out to be a vampire, she pushes him to stand up for himself. And in turn, Oskar grows as a person and even begins to see more clearly the nature of the human relationships around him and how that molds people. He and Eli essentially fall into each other and a romance/friendship ensues. However, for me, the movie is flawed in two major areas that keep me from heaping praise on it as willing as others have. First off, it is undeniable that Oskar will come to regret the decision he makes at the end of the film as Håkan's tragic end clearly illustrates. There are a couple of logical solutions to the problem he and Eli will face and the choice he makes isn't really one of them. (Maybe we'll get a sequel dealing with that whole problem). Second, it feels like we're missing a major piece of the puzzle with Oskar's parents. I felt the impact of the reason Oskar's father left his mom, and the obvious hurt and resentment that instilled in him towards his mother could have been better articulated. It's articulated in small ways, but not in any ways that create a satisfying portrait of what's going on there. Perhaps, Alfredson cut it to put the parents on the back burner and make Oskar's final choice less troublesome, or maybe he just overlooked it in the scripting process. Either way, those two flaws together create a bit of willful self-denial that kept the picture from being a classic for me. Perhaps on another night when my suspension of disbelief is working a bit better, it'll click for me the way it has for others.

#4 Marie Morot

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Posted 26 September 2008 - 08:29

Nyheten om Matt Reeves på svenska. Vet inte om det bara är en direkt översättning eller om artikeln tillför ngt.

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#5 Georgia



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Posted 30 September 2008 - 19:22

Kopierat inlägg från original(svenska)filmens tråd.

Shock Till You Drop - Let the Right One In Director Talks Remake

Source: MovieZine.Se September 30, 2008

In the wake of an announcement which placed director Matt Reeves at the helm of Hammer Films' Let the Right One In remake, the original film's director, Tomas Alfredson is speaking out about the new take on his vampire tale.

"Remakes should be made of movies that aren't very good, that gives you the chance to fix whatever has gone wrong," he tells Moviezine. "I'm very proud of my movie and think it's great, but the Americans might be of an other opinion. The saddest thing for me would be to see that beautiful story made into something mainstream."

Right One tells of a 12-year-old Oskar who befriends his neighbor: a young vampire girl. Magnet Releasing is giving the film a limited theatrical run in the States on October 24th. It's part of Magnet's Six Shooter Film Series which has launched an official site you can view here.

Jag som inte orkar läsa på engelska när intervjun finns att läsa på svenska :P

MovieZine.se >> Alfredson: "Låt inte Den rätte förstöras"
29 september 2008

"Låt den rätte komma in", Tomas Alfredsons filmversion av vampyrsagan från förorten har inte ens hunnit få sin svenska biopremiär, innan det planeras en remake med Matt ”Cloverfield” Reeves bakom rodret.

Onödigt, om vi frågar vår svenske regissör.

- Remakes ska man göra på förlagor som inte varit så bra - då har man ju chans att rätta till och förbättra det som gått snett. Själv tycker jag att filmen har blivit jättebra och är väldigt stolt över den. De som ska göra den amerikanska versionen kanske har en annan åsikt, berättar han för MovieZine.se.

Alfredson minns själv hur han såg den tecknade ”Pippi Långstrump” tillsammans med en åldrad Astrid Lindgren, som avskydde den.

- Det sorgligaste jag skulle kunna tänka mig vore att se John Ajvide Lindqvists historia tillrättalagd och strömlinjeformad, säger han.

Valet av regissör eller hans förra film ”Cloverfield” vill Alfredson inte uttala sig om, och han har heller ingen inblandning i den nya produktionen. Men precis som vi undrar han om amerikaner verkligen inte kan läsa undertexter.

- Det bär mig emot att gnällspika - men det är klart att har man ägnat flera år åt att måla en tavla är det störande att höra bullret om kopian innan man hunnit ha vernissage!

Kan nog bara hålla med ang. att en remake ska göras på engelska innan den svenska ens har kommit upp på bio.

Edited by Georgia, 15 November 2008 - 16:22.

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#6 XC



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Posted 30 September 2008 - 19:58

Det går inflation i amerikanska remakes just nu känns det som - jag börjar fundera om det är så att amerikanarna helt enkelt är rädda för film producerade utanför sitt eget lands gränser. :P


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#7 Marie Morot

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Posted 30 September 2008 - 21:40

Remakes görs av främst två orsaker (och är inget nytt fenomen):

1. Filmer producerade i USA ger arbete åt skådisar, tekniker etc och genererar alltså inkomst till den inhemska industrin till skillnad för om pengarna går utomlands.

2. Amerikanarna är inte vana vid att se film på ett annat språk än engelska och anser att sådana filmer är pretto bara för att de är på ett annat språk och går då heller inte och ser dem i ngn större omfattning.
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#8 Cartman


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Posted 27 October 2008 - 13:10

Startar upp en tråd för allt som rör den amerikanska versionen av Låt den rätte komma in.

Denna gång utgår dom direkt från John Ajvide Lindqvist's bok och inte hans manus till den svenska versionen av filmen.

Matt Reeves (Cloverfield) står för regi samt manus och filmen görs för Overture Films och Hammer Films.

Edited by Cartman, 07 November 2008 - 11:49.

#9 XC



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Posted 15 November 2008 - 11:21

Matt Reeves Explains Why He’s Remaking Let The Right One In | /Film


Du skall inte lyssna på vad jag säger; du skall fatta vad jag menar.


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#10 Cartman


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Posted 15 November 2008 - 13:27

Bloody Disgusting - Matt Reeves Talks Remaking Let the Right One In

Friday, November 14, 2008

MTV breaks down their conversation with Matt Reeves:

"Will he change the time period and locale?

“I’m keeping it in the early 80s. I love the setting of it being in a snowy locale. I’ve been thinking of Colorado, maybe Littleton.”

On adapting the story for an American audience:

“The movie and the book are incredibly Swedish yet there’s something so universal about the tale of this kid and something that in the context of an American story could be completely different while being very consistent with the original story. There’s something about it that can be an American mythic tale.”

On his love for the source material:

“It’s a terrific movie and a fantastic book. I think it could be a really touching haunting and terrifying film. I’m really excited about what it could be.”

On his personal connection to the story:

“I had such a personal reaction when I saw the movie and when I read the book. I felt like there was an opportunity to do something incredibly personal while still being in a genre arena.”

How he sees the story:

“It’s an amazing mixture of a coming of age story and a really scary horror film. It’s touching and scary. It’s an incredibly touching love story and a really scary vampire movie.”

Through the eyes of a child?

“I see the film as essentially being the fantasies of this 12 year old who’s having such a hard time. It would never be that overt where you would watch the movie and say that’s a dream but to me that is kind of an organizing principle.”

The film may be his next directing effort:

“Overture wants it as soon as possible. They would love me to do it next so that’s what we’re shooting for at the moment.”

#11 XC



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Posted 15 November 2008 - 15:59

Georgia flyttar säkert in relaterade poster hit från den andra tråden.

(Var så läge sedan hon flyttade poster - hon kan behöva lite träning ;) ).


Du skall inte lyssna på vad jag säger; du skall fatta vad jag menar.


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#12 Georgia



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Posted 15 November 2008 - 16:22

Hittat en än så länge. Din sista post i andra tråden.
*letar vidare*

Då tror jag att allt som handlar om remaken har flyttats hit.
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Esseffennälg (pop.) - Skrivs egentligen SFN-älg och är en ytterst sällsynt ras av älg som enbart finns i vilt tillstånd på Sci-Fi Nytt.
Enstaka exemplar kan hittas också på Tv-land, men de brukar snabbt bli förvirrade och skynda sig tillbaka till Sci-Fi Nytt.

...och eftersom jag är karl kan jag inte multitaska och hålla två olika parallela universum i skallen samtidigt.

...jag förberedde mig på det värsta: dvs ett episkt prettodrama som Wylie och Synon antagligen skulle sucka nöjt över.

#13 Georgia



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Posted 09 March 2009 - 19:08

”Låt den rätte komma in” blir Hollywoodfilm | Film | Nöjesbladet | Aftonbladet
’Tråkigt med nyinspelning’
Tomas Alfredson vill inte se USA- versionen av sin vampyrsuccé


Får ny titel

Det är fortfarande oklart vilka som får huvudrollerna som Eli och Oskar i Reeves version. Men det är redan officiellt att filmen har fått ett nytt namn. På engelska heter Alfredsons version ”Let the right one in”.

Men Reeves version kommer att heta ”Let me in”.

Under tiden fortsätter Tomas Alfredsons textade version att skörda framgångar världen över. Nyligen hade filmen premiär i Australien där den tagits emot i positiva ordalag av kritikerna.

Even the stars look brighter tonight - Nothing's Impossible
If you believe in love at first sight - Nothing's Impossible
I still believe in love at first sight - Nothing's Impossible // Nothing's Impossible - Depeche Mode 2005

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Esseffennälg (pop.) - Skrivs egentligen SFN-älg och är en ytterst sällsynt ras av älg som enbart finns i vilt tillstånd på Sci-Fi Nytt.
Enstaka exemplar kan hittas också på Tv-land, men de brukar snabbt bli förvirrade och skynda sig tillbaka till Sci-Fi Nytt.

...och eftersom jag är karl kan jag inte multitaska och hålla två olika parallela universum i skallen samtidigt.

...jag förberedde mig på det värsta: dvs ett episkt prettodrama som Wylie och Synon antagligen skulle sucka nöjt över.

#14 Peak


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Posted 09 March 2009 - 19:14

Aftonbladet: Tidigt ute, som vanligt.. :P

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#15 Cartman


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Posted 30 June 2009 - 12:29

Hero Complex

An executive at Overture Films asked him to take a look at a then-unreleased Swedish horror film, "Let the Right One In," a hauntingly touching film about a lonely 12-year-old boy who realizes the kind girl who moved in next door is a vampire.

"I was just hooked," Reeves recalled recently. "I was so taken with the story and I had a very personal reaction. It reminded me a lot of my childhood, with the metaphor that the hard times of your pre-adolescent, early adolescent moment, that painful experience is a horror."

Reeves signed on to adapt and direct an American remake of the cult hit, now called "Let Me In," the English translation of John Ajvide Lindqvist's original novel. He recently finished a second draft of the script, currently set in Reagan-era Colorado, and is scouting locations, looking to maintain the original story's chilly, snow-swept environs. The film is scheduled for a fall 2010 theatrical release.

Reeves is also working with casting director Avy Kaufman -- who previously found kids for "The Sixth Sense" and "The Ice Storm" -- to find the two leads, which Reeves vows will not be aged-up to make the film more of a smoldering "Twilight"-style romance.

"There's definitely people who have a real bull's-eye on the film," Reeves said, "and I can understand because of people's' love of the [original] film that there's this cynicism that I'll come in and trash it, when in fact I have nothing but respect for the film. I'm so drawn to it for personal and not mercenary reasons, my feeling about it is if I didn't feel a personal connection and feel it could be its own film, I wouldn't be doing it. I hope people give us a chance."

#16 Georgia



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Posted 13 July 2009 - 19:45

Let The Right One In Remake Casting Starts Down The Road - Let the right one in - io9

The rumor mill is starting to churn up names of hopeful young actors to replace the luminous youths from the beloved Swedish vampire film Let The Right One In, to be retitled Let Me In in the US. First up is Kodi Smit-McPhee, who plays future son to Viggo Mortensen in the hopefully bleak and depressing end-of-the-world feature The Road. While we still haven't seen the post-apocalyptic horror, Kodi has been far highly praised so far in the leaks. He's presently trying out for either lead role, though we don't really see him as an Eli. [The Herald-Sun via Movie Hole]

Even the stars look brighter tonight - Nothing's Impossible
If you believe in love at first sight - Nothing's Impossible
I still believe in love at first sight - Nothing's Impossible // Nothing's Impossible - Depeche Mode 2005

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Esseffennälg (pop.) - Skrivs egentligen SFN-älg och är en ytterst sällsynt ras av älg som enbart finns i vilt tillstånd på Sci-Fi Nytt.
Enstaka exemplar kan hittas också på Tv-land, men de brukar snabbt bli förvirrade och skynda sig tillbaka till Sci-Fi Nytt.

...och eftersom jag är karl kan jag inte multitaska och hålla två olika parallela universum i skallen samtidigt.

...jag förberedde mig på det värsta: dvs ett episkt prettodrama som Wylie och Synon antagligen skulle sucka nöjt över.

#17 Georgia



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Posted 15 July 2009 - 23:04

Vote For Your Baby Vampire In The Let The Right One In Remake - Let me in - io9

Let Me In Movie Posters | /Film

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Even the stars look brighter tonight - Nothing's Impossible
If you believe in love at first sight - Nothing's Impossible
I still believe in love at first sight - Nothing's Impossible // Nothing's Impossible - Depeche Mode 2005

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Forumets kak- tårt- & glass monster ;)
>>Årets Kvinnliga Medlem 2006, 2007 & 2008<< >>Årets Moderator 2007 & 2008<<
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Esseffennälg (pop.) - Skrivs egentligen SFN-älg och är en ytterst sällsynt ras av älg som enbart finns i vilt tillstånd på Sci-Fi Nytt.
Enstaka exemplar kan hittas också på Tv-land, men de brukar snabbt bli förvirrade och skynda sig tillbaka till Sci-Fi Nytt.

...och eftersom jag är karl kan jag inte multitaska och hålla två olika parallela universum i skallen samtidigt.

...jag förberedde mig på det värsta: dvs ett episkt prettodrama som Wylie och Synon antagligen skulle sucka nöjt över.

#18 Cartman


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Posted 01 October 2009 - 18:15


Reeves Casts the “Right Ones”

Hammer and Overture Announce Primary Cast for “Let Me In”

(Beverly Hills, CA) October 1st, 2009 – Kodi Smit-McPhee, Chloe Moretz and Oscar®-nominee Richard Jenkins will headline the cast of Let Me In, Matt Reeves’ adaptation of Let the Right One In, when principal photography begins this fall in New Mexico. The announcement was made today by Hammer Films Co-CEO’s Simon Oakes and Nigel Sinclair, as well as Overture Films CEO Chris McGurk and COO Danny Rosett.

Director Reeves (Cloverfield) has cast Smit-McPhee (The Road) and Moretz ((500) Days of Summer) in the two lead adolescent roles of Owen and Abby for the eagerly awaited horror feature. Jenkins will play the lead adult character known as Hakan in the original film.

Based on the bestselling Swedish novel, Lat den Ratte Komma In, by Swedish author John Ajvide Lindqvist, Let Me In is a contemporary vampire tale about a young boy who befriends a girl new to his neighborhood. The film is a remake of the highly acclaimed Swedish film, Lat den Ratte Komma In, also known as, Let the Right One In.

Hammer acquired the remake rights to Let the Right One In at the 2008 Tribeca Film Festival where the film took home the Founders Award® for Best Narrative Feature, and has fast-tracked the film for a November 2009 start date. The film is a Hammer Films production with a projected 2010 release in the U.S. by Overture Films. Exclusive Film Distribution is handling worldwide sales and distribution of the film.

Producing the film are Hammer’s Simon Oakes, Guy East and Nigel Sinclair and Oscar®-winner Donna Gigliotti. Hammer’s Alex Brunner and Tobin Armbrust will executive produce along with John Ptak, Philip Elway and Fredrik Malmberg. Overture’s Robert Kessel, EVP Production & Acquisitions, will oversee production for the studio. Swedish producers John Nordling and Carl Molinder, who produced the original film, are also involved as producers on this remake.

The Australian-born Smit-McPhee, 13, stars alongside Viggo Mortensen in The Road, a film festival favorite due out in November. He previously earned the AFI Young Actor’s Award® in 2007 for his role in Romulus, My Father.

Moretz, 12, will star in the much –talked-about Kick-Ass next spring and previously appeared in (500) Days of Summer and The Amityville Horror. She has been nominated each of the past three years for a Young Artist Award®.

Jenkins first worked with Overture on The Visitor, for which he earned a Best Actor Oscar® nomination last year. His recent work includes Burn After Reading, Step Brothers and television’s “Six Feet Under.” He is due to star in several upcoming projects including the much-anticipated The Cabin in the Woods, Dear John and Eat, Pray, Love.

It was announced last year that Reeves will write and direct Let Me In. In addition to the box office hit Cloverfield, Reeves’ directing credits include the comedy The Pallbearer, starring David Schwimmer and Gwyneth Paltrow, and the hit television show “Felicity,” starring Keri Russell, which he co-created and executive produced along with partner J.J. Abrams.

“Kodi, Chloe, and Richard are my absolute dream cast,” says Reeves. “I couldn’t be more excited to be working with them.”

Let Me In is the first film in a two-picture co-production, financing and distribution agreement between Overture Films and Exclusive Media Group, the parent company of Hammer Films and Spitfire Pictures.

Edited by Cartman, 02 October 2009 - 12:13.

#19 Cartman


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Posted 03 November 2009 - 13:59

bloody-disgusting.com - 'Let Me In' Officially Begins Production in New Mexico + Casting Updates

Principal photography began today on "Let Me In", writer/director Matt Reeves’ adaptation of "Let the Right One In", in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Reeves (Cloverfield) and young stars Kodi Smit-McPhee (The Road) and Chloe Moretz ((500) Days of Summer) were among those on-set as filming commenced on the Hammer Films production at Albuquerque Studios. Filming will also take place in various other locations in New Mexico before returning to Albuquerque to wrap in January.


Updates to the cast list include Elias Koteas (Shutter Island) as the policeman, Cara Buono (“The Sopranos”) as Owen’s mother and Sasha Barrese (The Hangover) as “Virginia.” It was previously announced that Smit-McPhee and Moretz would play the leads “Owen” and “Abby” respectively and Oscar®-nominee Richard Jenkins (The Visitor) would play the guardian of “Abby”.

#20 Synon



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Posted 07 January 2010 - 12:42

För alla som ivrigt väntar på den amerikanska versionen kan jag meddela att den kommer 1 oktober :)

January 06, 2010
'Let Me In' has a release date

“Let Me In,” Overture’s remake of the Swedish vampire movie “Let the Right One In,” has a release date: Oct. 1.
The movie, starring Kodi Smit-McPhee, Chloe Moretz and Richard Jenkins, is in production in New Mexico. Matt Reeves, who directed “Cloverfield,” is helming.


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#21 Georgia



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Posted 07 January 2010 - 14:02

Flyttade ditt inlägg till rätt tråd :)
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Esseffennälg (pop.) - Skrivs egentligen SFN-älg och är en ytterst sällsynt ras av älg som enbart finns i vilt tillstånd på Sci-Fi Nytt.
Enstaka exemplar kan hittas också på Tv-land, men de brukar snabbt bli förvirrade och skynda sig tillbaka till Sci-Fi Nytt.

...och eftersom jag är karl kan jag inte multitaska och hålla två olika parallela universum i skallen samtidigt.

...jag förberedde mig på det värsta: dvs ett episkt prettodrama som Wylie och Synon antagligen skulle sucka nöjt över.

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Posted 07 January 2010 - 14:46

Tack Georgia. Och jag som ändå gjorde en avancerad sök på den :rolleyes: Kanske jag som behöver gå en SFN-sök-kurs :lol:
Fast å andra sidan är det väl bara bra att du får jobba lite så du inte glömmer bort hur man gör :P

Beviset för att intelligent liv finns i rymden är att de inte har kontaktat oss än.

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#23 Georgia



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Posted 14 March 2010 - 00:08

Intervju/frågor med/till Matt Reves

Cloverfield Director Says He Won't "Americanize" His Remake Of Let The Right One In - Let me in - io9

Matt Reeves has the very difficult and not too popular task of remaking the wonderful Swedish vampire film Let The Right One In. He was taken to task on a SXSW panel when asked about his plans for the feature.

Moderator: I'd like to get onto a topic that is really volatile nowadays with horror fans, both open minded and close minded horror fans, and that is the topic of remakes. The knee-jerk reaction when you are inundated with remakes like, Sorority Row or Prom night, not something half decent like The Crazies, I mean just garbage. When you see that a wonderful film like Let The Right One In and you read an article that it's going to be remade, as a passionate horror fan, your first reaction is to be skeptical, and that's putting it lightly. But from what I've been reading I think it's safe to say that the gentlemen that are involved with the Let Me In remake are madly in love with the source material. And it isn't any kind of mercenary project. So Matt, what do you think about remakes?

Matt Reeves: I think that in the case of that, in my particular situation, and I actually think it's true of the remakes that I love. I love John Carpenter's The Thing, I think the original is really great and before it's time, really spooky and cool. And the remake is fantastic it's a great movie. I think it ultimately comes down to your respect and commitment to the material. I think that when people feel that they don't, and if I were on the same side I would think the same thing, that there's a kind of bastardization of the material. And that they just add explosions and one-liners, or do whatever might be "Americanizing" the story. In my case, I so responded to the story and it was actually way in advance of when the original film came out here. Then I read the novel and I wrote to the author and I told him that it just so reminded me of my childhood. I wrote to him and I said I'm so drawn to this material and they are talking about doing a remake. It's funny because the people who gave me the film to look at in the first place, they said, "take a look at this film, we think you might respond to it, we want to try and get the rights from the Swedish producers. And maybe you'll want to make the kids older." I watched it and here's my response, number one, if you make the kids older, you literally ruin the film. So please don't do that. Number two, I'm not sure you should remake this film.

Then I read the novel, and it just sort of dug into me. When I was doing Felicity, J.J. [Abrams] and I created the show and, of course, he did Alias, and that was the sort of trajectory that he went on. I did a pilot that didn't get made, which was a very personal story, which I've since turned into a feature. It was a coming of age story, a period piece about this kid who lived in this courtyard and there was a girl who lived in the building and they had these sort of halting exchanges. And I'm watching the movie [Let The Right One In] and I thought I'm so enamored and in love with these kids. And it turned out to be this brilliant vampire story which was much more brilliant than anything I tried to do. So when I wrote to the author [John Ajvide Lindqvist] I said I'm really drawn to this but not because it's a great genre story, which I do believe it is. It was really about my personal connection to. The author wrote me back and he was very kind and he said that he was a big fan of Cloverfield and it's because you've taken kind of an old story and done it in a fresh way and that's what I tried to do with this. But I'm much more excited to know that this touched you personally because it's my autobiography. It was the story of his childhood. I totally got it because that's what I related to. I related to the bully and the idea of being a child of divorce and growing up in the 80s. I think it comes down to, in terms of doing a remake, what your intentions are. Whether you're trying to do a rush shot or whether you bring something of yourself to it and committing to and respecting where the film comes from. I have such tremendous respect for that story. The original will always exist. You will always be able to see that film and I think it's kind of a masterpiece. The book also will always exist, but this is another interpretation of that story. Which hopefully people will give us a chance and we'll see how they feel about it. But it is very sort of intentioned in a respsectful way, while at the same time hoping to bring something new.

At the beginning of the book there's a great thing in the chapter that opens it. He talks about Blackeberg where Lindqvist, grew up, it's the story of his childhood and he describes the town as essentially what in America would be a considered a Tract Housing community, or like Levittown in World War 2 community. Everything was planned so the town was built all at once, and not over time so you could have organic history building. So they built this city and then you could imagine that all the residents came over on buses and bridges and arrived and that they all came in on the same day, of course that isn't what happened, this was a place with out history. One of the things about having history was that there wasn't a single church in this place. And that's why they were so unprepared for what was about to follow. Which is a great opening to the book. In the case of the story if we are going to take it and put it in an American context then the Tract housing makes total sense. But America in the 80s and America now is very different. It isn't sort of a godless suburbia. If I were a 12-year-old kid and I was harboring the thoughts that Oscar had because of the brutality of his life, and if I imagined killing my enemies, vicious thoughts. I think in an American context, Reagan was talking about the evil empire and that the evil is outside of us, and I became very drawn to the idea that the evil is within us. It's details like that. I think people think the whole Americanization thing is people coming in and adding lots of gratuitous stuff. In may case it's much more about context and honor the original story and find the way that it applies to the way we live, or I lived.

Anyway, a long-winded answer. To me it really comes down to the filmmakers commitment to what they're doing. And if they feel that they can do something to it, while honoring it and bringing something of themselves to it.

Edited by Georgia, 14 March 2010 - 00:08.

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>>Årets Kvinnliga Medlem 2006, 2007 & 2008<< >>Årets Moderator 2007 & 2008<<
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Esseffennälg (pop.) - Skrivs egentligen SFN-älg och är en ytterst sällsynt ras av älg som enbart finns i vilt tillstånd på Sci-Fi Nytt.
Enstaka exemplar kan hittas också på Tv-land, men de brukar snabbt bli förvirrade och skynda sig tillbaka till Sci-Fi Nytt.

...och eftersom jag är karl kan jag inte multitaska och hålla två olika parallela universum i skallen samtidigt.

...jag förberedde mig på det värsta: dvs ett episkt prettodrama som Wylie och Synon antagligen skulle sucka nöjt över.

#24 Fiskrens


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Posted 16 June 2010 - 20:01

En första mycket positiv kritik av filmen har dykt upp på Cinemablend:

Much of the film remains exactly the same, in some cases scenes are shot by shot identical, and in the places where Reeves has changed it, the changes are only to help it strike a deeper chord with Americans, not to pander to them. It’s only minor details which have changed. Minor character relationships have been modified, there have been changes in the way Abby’s father/caretaker gets his victims, and there’s a cop where there wasn’t one before. Most changes are for the better though. The 80s, as a decade and a cultural influence are a much bigger player, in a way that’ll connect with anyone who lived through it.

Because of that and more, you’ll find yourself drawn into the story more than ever, feeling sorry for the kid when he gets beat up, or having to deal with his torn apart life. You can understand why Abby doesn’t want to make friends with anybody, but find yourself smiling when it happens. It’s a taut, thrill ride that will have you going from jumping with fright to heart tugging compassion. It’s visually arresting too, even run of the mill scenes being more interesting by putting the camera in the action rather then watching it from the sidelines. In particular there’s a car accident which is absolutely unforgettable, the camera used to bring you along for the ride, not left outside watching it.

There are no missteps in this remake. Every part is essential. Let Me In is a suspense movie of the type we rarely see here in America. It grabs your attention and keeps your interest right up to the end, while doing a great job of telling an unusual vampire story.

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#25 Peak


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Posted 16 June 2010 - 21:01

Skulle inte förvåna mig om den här remaken blir bra. Tydligen så är den nya Karate Kid mycket bättre än någon förväntade sig också..

*tittar ut på alla grisar som flyger omkring utanför fönstret*

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sixty six."